Promote your ad and sell fast on

As a new marketplace, we have hundreds of buyers and sellers – so how can you make your ad stand out?

While the basic service of posting an ad remains free on, we now offer extra paid options for sellers who want to stand out and reach more interested buyers quickly and easily.

Need to sell urgently?

Our promotions are an excellent way to get your items sold quickly!

To promote an ad, simply:

Post an ad and check the “Feature your ad” button on the listing page, or
go to an ad you have already posted and click the “Feature ad” button.

Our Ad Promotion


Featured Ad for 7 days – ₦500

At the top of every ad listing page, there are up to 5 spots reserved for Featured Ads. By adding a Featured Ad promotion to your ad, you earn the chance for your ad to be displayed in one of these Featured Ad spots for just ₦500 only – which can get you up to 20 times more views!

Featured Ads stand out – They are highlighted in yellow, and clearly watermarked with a “Featured Ad”.
Each Featured Ad is given an equal chance of being shown in the Featured Ad spots. This means thousands of extra appearances for each Featured Ad on the most-viewed pages – every day, for 7 days.